
Dear Parents,

Welcome to our classroom! Please take a few minutes to read through and discuss the classroom procedures listed below with your child.

Classroom Management

Our class will follow the motto: SHINE!
S- Show safe behavior
H- Have a positive attitude
I- I will be a team player
N- Never give up
E- Expect success

We will continue to discuss how these will look in our classroom.


I believe that students should be rewarded for good behavior. I will be introducing the following rewards in our classroom:
· I strongly believe in positive reinforcement.  Students who are "caught being good" will have their picture moved up on our behavior chart.  When they reach the top they will get a positive email home that day.  Table groups who work together and show positive behavior and cooperation will also earn "table points" through out the day.  When a table reaches ten points, each student gets a choice of the prize they would like to choose such as keep a stuffy at their desk for a day, lunch with Mrs. Dahlem, choose from the prize bin, etc.


Your child will bring home a daily folder filled with his/her work and notices from the school. The Folder needs to be returned on the next school day.

Weekly Newsletter

The weekly newsletter will have pertinent information valuable to you and your child. It will be posted on my website and emailed to you every Friday. Please be sure to read it weekly as I provide tips on how to extend your child's learning at home.

School Attendance

Official school hours are 8:50am - 3:00pm. Children will line up outside the classroom (on the blacktop on the kindergarten playground) and I will pick them  up as a class at 8:45am. If a child arrives after 8:55 he/she must get a tardy slip in the office. If a student needs to leave early, please provide an email to me by 8:30am in the morning and they must be signed out in the office when you leave. If your child’s transportation arrangements will be different on any given day, please write me a note specifically stating the change. If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must send a note upon their return. The office requires an absent note for each absence.

Grading Scale

Meets the grade-level standard by demonstrating proficiency
of the content or processes for the Measurement Topic
In progress toward meeting the grade-level standard
Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward
meeting the grade-level standard
Missing data—no grade recorded
Not English Proficient; may be used for ESOL Level 1 and 2
Please view this link with additional information on the MCPS grading system:
Our Daily  (subject to change for 2014-2015)
9:00-10:20 Reading
10:20--11:00 Writing
11:00-12:00 Lunch/Recess
12:00-1:00 Math
1:00-1:15 Snack
1:25-2:10 Specials (Mon-Thur)
2:15-3:00 Recess
3:05-3:45 Science/SS

Specials Schedule
Monday- Media
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.


We will go to lunch every day from 11:00-11:30pm. Every student has a lunch account in which you may put money ahead of time. The office will be sending home student PIN numbers for their accounts.


Your child will have the opportunity to eat a snack each afternoon. In order to establish good eating habits, I encourage you to send in healthy snacks (no candy or chocolate please!). Healthy snacks include veggies, crackers, goldfish, pretzels, fruit, etc. I also encourage the use of reusable containers when sending in their snack, as to reduce the amount of trash our class produces.  Our class was the overall school winner for Trash Free Lunches last year and I think we can do it again this year! 

This link has some wonderful ideas for healthy snacks for school:


Due to our extremely busy and full daily schedule, students will be limited in getting drinks during classroom time. If you would like, you may send a reusable spill proof water bottle or thermos (WATER ONLY PLEASE) for your child to drink throughout the day.


In an effort to promote a healthier lifestyle we will not be celebrating birthdays with "treats". Students will be recognized on their special day with a birthday crown and a card from me as well as being asked to come to the office on the announcements to pick up their special birthday pencil.


Recess time will be each day from approximately 11:30-12:00pm. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and playing. If it is extremely hot or cold, or raining, we will have indoor recess. Playground expectations will be discussed the first day of school.

Parent-Teacher Communication

Occasionally, I will send home letters with your child. Please check your child’s folder daily to see if there are any letters from me or the school. If you need to contact me, I can be reached at the school  phone number and I will call you back as soon as I get the message. I will also respond to written notes. Please tell your child to give me any communication first thing in the morning. The best way to reach me is via email. I check my email every day. My email address is
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. I know it’s going to be a terrific year!

Mrs. Dahlem

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